The 3 Pillars
Decide where your mebership dollars go
Funding dedicated to smaller scale habitat work for deer and
other wildlife near Chapter communities (i.e. guzzlers,
mastication work, meadow restoration). Chapters have
opportunities to apply for additional project funds.
Supporting youth outdoors education, recruitment and
outreach opportunities including, but not limited to,
partnerships with youth organizations, sportsmen’s expositions
and scholarships.
Heritage (Political Advocacy)
Providing political advocacy and lobbyist efforts for
conservation and 2nd amendment rights. Enhancing exposure
to change and/or create policies to protect our hunting
Select your Membership Level
Premium (Supporter) Member designates membership dollars to ONE pillar
- Receives 4 CDA magazines a year.
- Access to insider promos and give-aways via
early online merchandise sales, etc. - Receives quarterly newsletter.
Listed on constant contact and voters’
voice(for support when needed).
Elite (Champion) Members designate membership dollars to TWO pillars
- Entered in free drawing (December of that
membership year) - CDA gear for that year. (shirt, vest, hat, knife)
- Receive 4 CDA magazines a year.
- Access to insider promos and give-aways via
early online merchandise sales, etc. - Receives quarterly newsletter.
- Listed on constant contact and voters’ voice
(for support when needed).
Exclusive (Life Member) designates membership dollars to all THREE pillars
- Life member recognition page on CDA website
Entered in free gun drawing each year. - Special drawing at dinners for life members only
- CDA gear for that year (shirt, vest, hat, knife)
- Receive 4 CDA magazines a year.
- Access to insider promos and give-aways via early
online merchandise sales, etc. - Receives quarterly newsletter.
- Listed on constant contact and voters’ voice (for
support when needed).