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Western forests (including Alaska) cover more than 360 million acres across vast and often rugged terrain. Ranging from large, fast-growing trees along the Pacific coast to high-altitude tree lines where tree sizes, such as bristle cone and white bark pine, are smaller and growth much slower.

The interspersion of western forests with shrub steppe habitats, mountain meadows, streams, meadows, and aspens provide important habitat for a rich diversity of wildlife species ranging from songbirds to large ungulates such as elk, and deer. 

Benefits for Humans and Wildlife

Western forests are extensively managed and harvested to supply wood for home construction and other purposes. In many areas of the West, forestry and the timber industry is a major economic driver. Forests and their interspersed grasslands and meadows provide opportunities for livestock grazing are often a key component of family ranching operations. These forests and diverse ecosystems also contribute greatly to wildlife, water supply and quality, as well as air quality.

Western forests also provide opportunities for camping, photography, hiking, hunting, fishing, and many other popular outdoor recreational activities.

Threats from Climate Change

Ever shifting climate conditions have a huge impact on western forests, and forest health. Warmer winter temperatures are contributing to dryer conditions and with these dryer conditions come several inherent issues such as stressed and under hydrated vegetation, unnaturally large fires, and severe outbreaks of bark beetles and diseases that thrive on a distressed forest system. An example of these combined effects is apparent in many forests across the west, such as the Sierras in California where we are seeing large losses in lodgepole pine stands around Mammoth, and Colorado where nearly half of Colorado’s 660,000 acres of lodge pole pine forests were infested by mountain pine beetles in the past few years. Eastern Washington State lost millions of ponderosas and lodge pole pine trees in the last decade as well, huge ecosystems put at risk due to forest conditions. Outbreaks have also occurred in Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, and Wyoming.

These tree-killing insect epidemics combined with forest densities well beyond sustainable capacities set the stage for catastrophic wildfires, especially in combination with the higher temperatures caused by dryer climate conditions, leading to lower soil moisture. Moderate fire is natural and helpful in many ecosystems, but catastrophic, drought-fueled fire with abundant fuel from large acreages of dead trees can destroy vast expanses of wildlife habitat, put human lives at risk, destroy soil composition and stability, let alone cause extensive property damage. In the Western United States scientists have documented a six-fold increase in the area burned over the past two decades, as well as the degree of severity at which it burns which they attribute partially to climate conditions. These forest fires exacerbate the climate change problem because the burning forest releases extreme amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The economic costs of tree die-offs and catastrophic fires associated with climate change are almost beyond reckoning. To put it into perspective, damage to homes and property from wildfires totaled $3.2 billion during the 1990s. In 2021 alone, fire suppression and damages exceeded an estimated $275 Billion billion to fight forest fires (throughout the U.S.).

While loggers have in some places turned to harvested trees killed by insect epidemics, large forest fires lead to the loss of income and jobs in the logging industry. Continued warming and more severe droughts associated with climate change will only further increase the risks and costs of catastrophic wildfires.

Catastrophic fires are especially damaging when they destroy the fertile detritus layer of soils, leaving only highly erodible mineral soils. Reduced vegetative cover, increased erosion, and higher stream temperatures are harmful to cold-water species such as trout.

Conservation Investments

Minimizing the impact of shifting climate and overstocked forests will continue to require extensive financial investment in a variety of management actions. The beetle outbreaks aided by climate change have created challenges for forest managers who must now incorporate new ecological, economic, and social issues into forest management plans.

Forest managers need to research and implement new methods of suppressing large beetle outbreaks to avoid extensive loss of mature trees. They will also need to study methods of reducing fuel loads and fire risks without detriment to natural ecological cycles. This may require extensive increases in prescribed (controlled) burning, timber stand thinning, selective logging, and other techniques to increase forest health and reduce fire risk.

The cost of additional firefighting alone will be enormous. Already costing billion$$ annually, investing in additional forest treatments that help manage fire risks and restore ecosystems, while protecting high value resources in the forest will be essential for minimizing an increase in fire risk associated with a hotter and dryer climate. Investing in green forest treatment is a much better approach than constantly trying to play catchup while working in post fire restoration efforts. Proactive forest management will put us in position to protect those high value and fire-resistant resources such as aspen stands, meadows, riparian areas, and healthy vegetation needed to sustain a healthy ecosystem. These properly functioning forested ecosystems can thrive with an aggressive treatment regime and prolonged maintenance including prescribed fire and retreatments. We all need to invest into good stewardship, as we all benefit from clean water, healthy air, thriving wildlife populations, and a healthy forest.  CDA continues to remain on the forefront in these restoration efforts and is driven to continue this effort to combine forest health, rangeland restoration, and clean water projects across the landscape in order to leave a legacy for generations to come.


With summer upon us, hot weather being the norm in Sunny California, many of us look for any reason to play in the water, even the CDA Project Team. CDA, along with some of our partners, have learned to take advantage of a cool summer project on a hot day, BDA installations. You may not be familiar with terms such as Zuni Pools, One Rock Structures, or BDA’s. That being the case, lets jump in this together.

A Beaver Dam Analog (BDA) is a man-made structure designed to mimic the form and function of a natural beaver dam. BDAs can also be used to increase the probability of successful beaver translocation by creating immediate deep-water habitat that reduces the risk of predation.  In general, the design and installation of BDA complexes is a simple, cost-effective, non-intrusive approach to stream restoration that can influence a suite of hydraulic, geomorphic, and hydrologic processes in order to achieve a range of common restoration goals, not just Beaver relocation. While recipes are helpful when you prepare a new venison dish or meal the first few times, with experience you become more comfortable adapting the recipe to make it your own (never forget the mesquite charcoal). You can substitute ingredients to better match what you might have available in the cupboard (i.e.  onsite) and find efficiencies and improvements that work better in your situation. 

The photo shows how we were building some BDAs (not all) in a particular setting, for a particular purpose (and with access to plenty of willow to weave between the aspen posts. That simple photo has since appeared in numerous grant applications, though not yet to make its way into ‘engineer’ designed restoration manuals. Lost in those engineered translations has been some of the common sense that any good cook knows. For example, willow weave is not always essential! You can do underwater basket weaving with many different woody materials (so use what is available).

However, the important thing is that these things achieve their desired goals, which is to reduce streambank erosion/incising and restoration of the hydrologic function of meadow systems. Beaver don’t build dams with fence posts, and we don’t always need to either. We often use materials at hand, larger willow, small aspen (usually 3’ or less in diameter) thinned from stands that have been deemed too dense, and juniper to name just a few organic material sources. Smaller structural elements work well such as willows, conifer boughs, and small aspen limbs, along with a good mud packing. These BDAs are not required to remain structurally sound for many years, often their purpose has been accomplished within the first two or three years. Streambank erosion, incising, and channel cut is often greatly reduced within just a few years of constructing the BDA, reducing flows, and often stream beds stabilize and refill to a more functional elevation. We have played with building postless BDAs (particularly in smaller streams with lower peak stream powers) and they have worked remarkably well too.

A bit of advice for the do-it-yourselfer out their looking for some “cool” project time.

Two of the most common mistakes in using BDAs are:

  • Focusing too much on the individual structure design. It’s about the collective benefit of many BDAs in a stretch of stream restoration. An Example is our CDA Warner Meadows Project, we put 39 BDAs in two large at risk meadow systems, the area showed incredible gains in a verry short time and the meadow expanded to its historic boundaries in the first year. Hydrological function seemed to reconnect throughout the whole meadow ecosystem.
  • Overbuilding BDAs trying to make them too stable (e.g., like an engineered structure). The relative importance of individual dams is lowered when you have several BDAs within a targeted restoration area. Placing a primary dam (larger dam that can support a lodge and often spreads out on to floodplain) strategically within a complex, and then using secondary dams to extend forage access (for beaver), and step down big head drops in smaller steps (by backwater flooding to the base of a taller dam) is far more important. Backwater helps support the upstream structure while reducing high flow currents below.  Plus, some failure of individual BDAs is good! Some of the best instream habitat we’ve found is associated with failed beaver dams and beaver dam analogs. 

Meadows, riparian zones, and meandering streams, when functioning properly, are some of the most beneficial elements in our ecosystem. Often these areas are vitally important for wildlife, instream invertebrate, and a sundry of migratory species that use these areas for sustenance, bedding, and stopovers. Restoring these high value resources is of great reward and indeed some “cool” summer work for sure.

Team CDA looks forward to seeing you on the mountain soon, and maybe in the stream as well. 


With federally initiated tasks of expanding restoration on lands and marine habitat in the U.S., wildlife conservation organizations now have a more important job than ever before. In April of 2022, the America the Beautiful Challenge was launched and included the Thirty-By-Thirty (30×30) initiative charging the Secretaries of the Departments of the Interior, Agriculture, and Commerce along with the Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) with the goal of conserving millions of acres of forested lands and restoring at least 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030. Considering there are over 720 million acres of U.S. land and waters, this leaves much for state, federal, private, farm and ranch landowners a daunting task – the proverbial elephant that is conservation.

Over the past 8 years, CDA has worked to develop its habitat restoration program. When comparing year over year progression of work, CDA has exponentially grown from supporting great work on a few thousand acres to putting millions of acres of wildlife-driven habitat restoration into agreement and thousands of acres yearly on the ground throughout the state of California.

We continue to value the support and contributions we receive from our state and federal partners, private landowners and the multitude of funders that support the vision of CDA projects. One of the big puzzle pieces to be highlighted is the dynamic partnerships of wildlife conservation non-profits that share an imperative goal: working together to create an all-encompassing, positive impact on our wildlife, habitat, and to the land. To date, CDA has partnered with many organizations including National Wild Turkey Federation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Mule Deer Foundation, Cal Trout, and other non-profits that have teamed up to do this much needed work.

Of the many collaborative projects CDA is currently working on, one partnership to note is with the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) on the Timber Transport project, a Keystone Agreement between the NWTF and the USDA Forest Service that includes over 6,000 acres of restoration in the Klamath National Forest. Once groundwork is complete, forest products will be transported by railcar as the second component of this multi-faceted approach to forest restoration. The logs must first be transported to Gilchrist Forest Products in Gilchrist, Oregon, where they will undergo debarking to eliminate bark beetles. The debarked logs will be inspected and then transported to a railyard in Klamath Falls, Oregon, where they will receive another inspection before being loaded onto railcars for transportation to Wyoming. The purpose of this is to shore up an at-risk community whose industry may shut down without an adequate supply chain. Without product, the area faces the possibility of being another statistic within the industry

Through multiple collaborative meetings with NWTF, USDA Forest Service, and California Deer Association, CDA began work in late March within the Antelope Fire burn scar as part of a 2,746-acre timber removal project in the Klamath National Forest in northern California. Along with the timber harvest, the project includes 1,605 acres of brush mowing and juniper felling, 592 acres of juniper reduction, 264 acres of plantation thinning, and 866 acres of mastication for fuel reduction and wildlife habitat enhancement work in the forest. The goal of the work being completed ranges from protection of wildlife from future wildfire to increased water quality and quantity as well increased benefits for deer, elk, and other species native to the area, to name a few.

“It’s fantastic to be a part of such an incredible partnership that is driven to get this much-needed work done,” said Dale MacDougall, California Deer Association State Project Director. “From the leadership and support from the USFS, both nationally and regionally, to the inviting nature and strength of the NWTF family, along with industry partners, the energy has been incredible. There are so many folks committed to carrying part of this workload, and all have done an incredible job in doing so. This is a perfect example of partners sharing a vision for large scale restoration for the benefit of wildlife, forest health, communities, and humans.”

Very seldom do collaborative partnerships come together in a single conversation. They are strategically built over time through effort, planning, and the vigor to not only take on, but the commitment to complete a shared goal – this is exactly what makes partnerships between conservation organizations so impactful. Dynamic partnerships like that of CDA and NWTF work to interlock pieces of a gigantic puzzle, and by working together, can complete the big picture efficiently. Because if the goal is to restore millions of acres across the United States, you must eat the proverbial elephant one bite at a time… but nothing is stopping dedicated folks from filling all the seats at the dinner table.

BCCER 2021 Spring Turkey Hunt

To apply for the spring turkey hunt lottery, call (916)575-7745. Payments for lottery applications are due at the time of registration. Each application for each period carries a $10 fee per hunter. If you are drawn for a hunt, there is a $50 fee per hunter, per hunt period that is due immediately after drawing is held.

Below are the hunt periods:

Youth Only Opener: March 20-21      

General Opener: March 27-29

General Period 2: April 2-3

General Period 3: April 9-10

General Period 4: April 16-17

General Period 5: April 23-24

General Period 6: April 30 – May 1

Archery or Youth Only Final Weekend: May 14-15

Volunteers needed for Northern & Southern CDA Chapters

California Deer Association is expanding its territories!! We are looking for some amazing volunteers to help start Chapters in the following locations.

Vacaville, Stockton, Grass Valley, Nevada City, Susanville, Napa Valley, San Diego, Bakersfield, Kern River Valley, Ridgecrest, Bridgeport, Delano Tulare, Visalia, Salinas, Jackson,  Los Banos, Truckee, and South Lake Tahoe.

If interested, please, click this link to fill out a volunteer form or call the office at 916-575-7745.


BEING A HUNTER IN CALIFORNIA IS NOT EASY. Sure, our prey is wary and difficult to harvest. But, the greatest challenge we face as a community is not the game we pursue.Over the course of the past couple of decades it seems that every type of hunting has been confronted with a political threat of some type. But, perhaps the greatest threat to ourability to stay in the field isn’t a proposal to stop what we hunt, rather one which challenges what we hunt with. California Deer Association’s (CDA) political team is always atwork – not only watching out for and confronting every new challenge to hunting in our state, but also pushing back with our own positive proposals to keep you in the field. Legislation CDA is currently co-sponsoring in California’s State Legislature is just one example.Even the most out-of-touch hunter has heard by now that recently passed legislation will soon make California the only state in the Union to require the use of non-lead ammunition for the taking of any wildlife, anywhere in our state. Specifically, Assembly Bill 711, legislation passed by the California State Legislature in 2013, mandates that non-lead ammunition be used for the taking of all wildlife – including all game mammals, game birds, nongame birds and nongame mammals – with any firearm by July 1, 2019. AB 711 left the dirty details of developing the exact schedule for phasing in the ban to the California Fish and Game Commission – giving them a full implementation deadline of July 1, 2019, buturging them to move much quicker. With nontoxic ammunition already required for waterfowl hunting for the past quarter century, the Commission did move quickly on placing the non-lead requirement on wildlife typically taken with “waterfowl size” shotgun loads. But aware that ammunition manufacturers would need more time to develop and produce effective big game loads, CDA worked with the Department of Fish andWildlife and the Commission to delay requiring non-lead ammo for deer and most other big game right up until the July 2019 deadline.

AB 711 is not the first bill banning the use of lead ammunition in California. In 2007, then California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed Assembly Bill 821, legislation which banned the use of lead ammunition in all deer hunting zones within regions of the state inhabited by the California Condor. Admittedly, that ban has caused relatively minor problems, but only because hunters currently have choices. Presently, if you prefer to hunt with a rare caliber for which you cannot find non-lead ammo, you can put in for a tag for a zone outside the “condor range” and use your lead loads. If you shot a popular caliber such as 30.06 or .270, you’ll pay more, but you can currently find non-lead ammo on some store shelves – but only due to the present low demand. Yet, when the full mandate goes into effect in July 2019, everybody who hunts or takes wildlife for depredation purposes in California must use non-lead loads. The more popular your preferred caliber, the higher the demand, and the lower the chance you find it at your local retailer. The more unique your preferred caliber, the more likely non-lead loads may not even be in production.

With the 2019 statewide lead ban fast approaching, California hunters have taken some comfort in knowing that, when that time comes, they could look to out of state retailers to meet their sudden need for non-lead loads – that is, until just recently. Last summer’s passage of Senate Bill 1235 and subsequent approval of Proposition 63 on our November 2016 ballot, will prohibit
the direct internet and mail order purchase of all ammunition beginning on July 1, 2019 – Yep! The exact same day that California will require the use, statewide, of non-lead ammunition for all big game and other wildlife species. Thinking of driving up to Cabela’s in Nevada to buy yours? Think again. These new laws also prohibit bringing in ammunition purchased out of
state unless you go through a licensed ammunition vendor. If you can’t acquire the non-lead ammunition you need, you can’t hunt – period… regardless of the long-coveted tag you may have finally drawn.


Secretary of Interior, Ryan Zinke, signing Secretarial Order 3346, which repeals a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service directive the Obama administration issued the day before Trump took office, barring the use of lead ammunition and fishing tackle in national parks and wildlife refuges. Despite this victory, the state of California, still faces the non-lead 2019 deadline.




With non-lead loads for big game sure to be toughest to find on local store shelves, CDA is aware that our members will be the absolute hardest hit by the collision of these two mandates. Not willing to sit idle, CDA is taking a stand. Earlier this year, CDA’s political team drafted language for legislation which, if passed, would provide big game hunters with critically needed relief – should the combination of these new laws make any caliber of non-lead ammo hard to find on California retailer shelves in 2019 and beyond.

Working closely with Assembly Member Brian Dahle (R-1st/Bieber) and Assembly Member Devon Mathis (R-26th/Visalia) – California Deer Association is proud to be a lead co-sponsor of Assembly Bill 1544, legislation intended to keep California’s hunters in the field. Currently, language in the Fish and Game Code allows the Director of Fish and Wildlife to temporarily suspend the prohibition on lead ammunition for a specific hunting season and caliber, if non-lead ammunition of that caliber is not commercially available because of federal prohibitions related to armor-piercing ammunition. Specifically,Assembly Bill 1544 proposes to substantially expand this exemption to allow the Director to suspend the prohibition for a hunting season and caliber should ammunition of that caliber not be available for any reason.

Introduced in the California State Legislature February 17th, Assembly Bill 1544 will first be heard in the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee. Although, at the time of this writing, the bill had not yet been scheduled for hearing, it will likely be first heard in early to mid-April. Make no mistake about it – passing this positive, pro-hunting bill in California’s often unforgiving Legislature will be very difficult. But CDA’s experienced political team is up to the task, and our members can help. Through California Deer magazine and other outreach, we will be pleased provide our members with updates on the progress of Assembly Bill 1544. CDA members can play a critical role in helping to pass this bill by contacting their elected representatives and urging them to strongly support this critically needed legislation, and/or attending committee hearings at our State Capitol and testifying in support.

California is well known for being ground-zero in the nationwide effort of animal-rights groups to take hunters out of the field. The California Deer Association is proud to be on the front-lines of this non-stop battle, fighting against the continual challenges to our outdoor traditions. Working with Assembly Members Brian Dahle and Devon Mathis on the introduction of Assembly Bill 1544 is just one of CDA’s many efforts on the political front. Working together with our members on this important proposal, as well as in addressing other issues of concern, CDA will ensure a strong and proud future for deer and deer hunting in California.








[gdlr_column size=”2/3″] California Hunters and Shooters Under Unprecedented Attack! By CDA Political Advisor -Bill Gaines



[gdlr_column size=”1/3″][/gdlr_column]


CALIFORNIA ALREADY HAS THE STRICTEST GUN LAWS in the nation. Many of those who live, hunt and/or shoot in our state are regrettably hardened to our Second Amendment rights being kicked around at our State Capitol. But never has the hunting and shooting community been under siege like we are today. Using last year’s San Bernardino shooting as their springboard, California’s urban lawmakers have launched an unprecedented salvo of bills targeting our arms and munitions. But, it doesn’t stop there. With countless gun bills already brewing at our State Capitol, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom has now placed his highly aggressive “Safety for All Act” gun control initiative on the November 2016 statewide ballot. Making matters even worse, Newsom’s efforts outside the Capitol have ignited a duel with lawmakers inside the Capitol on who can pass the most gun control first.

Below is a glance at just some of the serious challenges currently confronting California’s hunting community: “Safety for All Act” Initiative – November 2016 State Ballot California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom’s “Safety for All Act” is easily the most aggressive single gun control package ever brought forward anywhere in our nation. Among many other things, this ballot initiative would:

• Ban all on-line and mail order sales ofammunition;

• Require those who purchase ammo to undergo a background check;

• Require tracking of what type/how much ammunition you buy;

• Ban possession of magazines which hold more than 10 rounds;

• Ban all private transfer of ammunition;

• Prohibit ammunition purchased out of state from being brought back into California;

• Prohibit ammunition purchased at a range from leaving the range.

To view the entire text of the “Safety for All Act”, visit

While the “Safety for All Act” awaits its November fate, California lawmakers are racing to beat Newsom to the gun control punch. Below are just some of the record number of gun bills currently pending at our State Capitol:

With countless gun bills already brewing at our State Capitol, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsome has placed his highly aggressive “Safety for all Act” gun control initiative in the November   2016 on the November 2016 statewide ballot.

AB 156 –Ammunition Regulation AB 156 would require those who purchase ammunition to provide their name; date of birth; address; driver’s license number; and brand, type, amount and date of sale of ammunition purchased, and undergo an electronic background check. The bill would require ammunition vendors to obtain a vendor license and that Department of Justice (DOJ) establish a database on both vendors and buyers. AB 156 would also prohibit most internet and mail order purchase, and limit the sale or transfer of ammunition between hunting or shooting partners, and even family.

A “two-year” bill introduced in 2015 to deal with global warming, AB 156 passed through the Assembly last year. In early May 2016, the bill was gutted and amended to attack ammunition purchases. As newly amended, AB 156 quickly passed through the Senate and is now back in the Assembly for concurrence on the amendments in the Senate.

AB 1135 –Assault Weapons AB 1135 would reclassify some common semi-automatic hunting rifles as “assault weapons” by amending the definition to refer to a firearm that has one of several specified features, and “does not have a fixed magazine”. AB 1135 would expand the definition of “detachable magazine” to mean an ammunition feeding device that can be easily removed from the firearm without disassembly or use of a tool. The bill would exempt firearms legally possessed from 2001 through 2016, but require them to be registered. A “two-year” bill introduced in February 2015 to deal with agricultural products, AB 1135 passed through the Assembly last year. In early May 2016, the bill was gutted and amended to deal with assault weapons and quickly passed through the Senate. The bill is now back in the Assembly for concurrence of the amendments taken in the Senate.

AB 1511 – Firearms: Lending AB 1511 would require the loan of a firearm to anyone except a spouse, registered domestic partner, or immediate family be conducted through a licensed dealer. AB 1511 was introduced in May 2015 to deal with energy. In May 2016, with the bill already through the Senate, AB 1511 was gutted and amended to deal with the loaning of a firearm and quickly passed through the Senate. The bill is now back in the Assembly for concurrence of the Senate amendments, where it is scheduled to be heard on June 21st in Assembly Public Safety Committee.

AB 1664 –Assault Weapons AB 1664 would reclassify some common semi-automatic hunting rifles that can accept a detachable magazine as an “assault weapon”. The bill would expand the definition of “detachable magazine” to mean an ammunition feeding device that can be easily removed from the firearm without disassembly or use of a tool. AB 1664 would exempt firearms lawfully possessed from 2001 through 2016, but would require them to be registered. AB 1664 passed off the Assembly Floor and over to the Senate on June 1st. The bill will next be heard in the Senate Public Safety Committee in mid-June.

AB 1674 – Firearm Transfers AB 1674 would prohibit an individual from acquiring more than one shotgun or rifle within any 30-day period. AB 1674 passed off the Assembly Floor and over to the Senate in early June. The bill was heard on June 14th in Senate Public Safety Committee, passing out on a 5 to 2 party line vote. The bill will next be heard in Senate Appropriations Committee later this summer.

SB 880 –Assault Weapons SB 880 would redefine an “assault weapon” to include a semi-automatic center fire rifle, or pistol that has one of several specified features and “does not have a fixed magazine”. The bill would also redefine “fixed magazine” as “an ammunition feeding device contained in, or permanently attached to, the firearm in such a manner that the device cannot be removed without disassembly of the firearm action”. SB 880 would exempt those firearms lawfully possessed from 2001 through 2016, but require them to be registered. SB 880 passed off of the Senate Floor in mid May and over to the Assembly, where it was first heard on June 14th in Assembly Public Safety Committee, passing out on a 5 to 1 party line vote. The bill will next be heard in Assembly Appropriations Committee later this summer.

SB 1235 –Ammunition Regulation Similar to AB 156, SB 1235 would require those who purchase ammunition to provide extensive personal data prior to purchasing ammunition, undergo an electronic background check, and that the type and quantity of ammo they purchase be recorded. The bill would also require ammunition vendors to obtain a vendor license, and DOJ to establish databases on both vendors and purchasers. SB 1235 would also require ammunition to be purchased “face-to-face” with few exceptions, and limit the private sale or transfer of ammunition.

SB 1235 was originally introduced in February 2016 to deal with public employees’ retirements. In early May, SB 1235 was gutted and amended to deal with ammunition regulations and swiftly passed off the Senate Floor and over to the Assembly. The bill was heard on June 14th in Assembly Public Safety Committee, passing out on a 5 to 2 party line vote. The bill will next be heard in Assembly Appropriations Committee later this summer. The California Deer Association strongly urges it members to contact their Senator and Assembly Members to ask them to oppose these threats to our hunting and shooting traditions. Don’t know who your Senate and Assembly representatives are? You should! Find out by visiting

For more information on any of the above bills or any other legislation of concern, please contact Gaines & Associates.